
This page is addressed to all b-on’s publishers, as well as to other potential content providers and aims to present the Portuguese consortium b-on.

You can learn more about b-on’s history here.

The Online Knowledge Library (b-on) is a virtual library providing access to thousands international scientific journals and ebooks, from several publishers.

b-on, endeavours to be a strategic pillar in building a Knowledge Society, ensuring access to a vast number of publications and electronic services to the academic and scientific community.Since its creation, it has grown both regarding the number of institutions that have joined, the number of users, the number of titles available and the downloads carried out.


The b-on works to a community composed by several typologies of institutions since Higher Education Institutions, Associated Laboratories, State Laboratories, Public Administration Institutions and Hospitals.


b-on provides two sets of general contents, one for academic and research institutions and another one for hospitals. You can find information about the subscribed content at b-on from AZ.

Subscription/licensing models

The contents that b-on makes available can be in one of two licensing models: All for All, whose subscription is mandatory, and the model Some for Some, only for interested institutions, which can afford it, being your subscription optional.

All for All

The All for All package is divided in two schemes, a General one, which includes the academic institutions, and the Hospital one for hospitals, which due to their typology, have access to specific content/databases.

Some for Some

In the Some model for Some the subscription has to be the “main institution”, ie, it can’t be made by a school or a college individually. All content must be accessible to the entire institutional community. In this model there must be at least 5 institutions interested in the content to move forward for the negotiation.

Trials can be arranged if:

  • content is relevant;
  • access trough IP authentication;
  • trial period is no shorter that 2 months;
  • During the trial period the website can somehow show a message saying that the content is on trial;
  • Furthermore b-on reacts to members demand. We do not decide on new content neither make publishers contents advertise although we can facilitate contacts with institution members.